The interesting parallel relations between human philosophical thinking and scientific technical mechanism are the subjects of my work. Unpredictability of universe and computational pseudo-randomness, spiritual eternity and mathmetical infinity, these beautiful juxtapositions of human beliefs and science theories display a conflicting but romantic effect.
Always considering myself as “an outsider and observer” helps me build connection with the world around me, and my artworks always try to document my personal believes in non-anthropocentrism, that everyone of us are sharing the same universal law with all other existence without exception.
Always considering myself as “an outsider and observer” helps me build connection with the world around me, and my artworks always try to document my personal believes in non-anthropocentrism, that everyone of us are sharing the same universal law with all other existence without exception.
2020 - 2021
MSc Media and Art Technology by Research / Queen Mary University of London, London
2018 - 2020
MA Information Experience Design / Royal College of Art, London
2013 - 2017
BA Visual Communication Design / Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing
Exhibitions & Performances & Awards
Performance at Hackoustic Iklectic, Iklectic, London, UK
Race for the Arctic, WASD 2022 / Tobacco Dock, London, UK
Race for the Arctic, Terra Carta Design Lab Finalists, London, UK
Race for the Arctic, Docu Lab Finalists, IDFA 2021, Armsterdam, Netherland
Race for the Arctic, Tranzfuser Enterprise Pathway Finalist / UK Game Fund, Dundee, UK
“Yet It Remains Still” in Cruft Festival 2020 / Queen Mary University of London, London, UK
“The Radiant City” in RCA 2020 / Kengsinton Gore, London, UK
“The Radiant City” in RCA WIP Show / RCA Garden House, London, UK
“The Village” in VR Exhibition: Virtual Vivid, Liverpool Street, London, UK
“The Village” in 2019 Summer Play Festival / Victoria & Albert Museum of Childhood, London, UK
“Moon Feast” in Exhibition: Moodscape / Lumen Crpyt Gallery, London, UK
“The Accident Conservatory” in Exhibition: The Other Real / Royal College of Art, London, UK
“Awake from the Void” in CAFA Graduate Show / China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China